Monday, June 30, 2014

Sewing on the cheap

I don't know about you but lately my sewing budget has been in the red and doesn't have any hope of being in the black any time soon so this summer I'm making do with what is in my stash and upcycling things us grown ups in the house are no longer using.

On top of my upcycle pile are a bunch of Mr. Viever's t-shirts that have a lot of life left in them but he just doesn't care for the color or there is a hole somewhere or a break in the seam.  I used my tried and true t-shirt pattern (you know the one you've see a million of from me, Figgy's Tee for Two) and cut the shirts along the seams for my working pieces.  I cut both the front and back along the bottom edge so that I had no need to hem.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Underneath it All- An Undergarments PSA

I’ve really been thinking for a while about the topic I’m going to write about today. With the BundleUp sale going on right now, it's been even MORE on my mind.  It’s something that I think every womenswear seamstress NEEDS to read.  The more I’ve been sewing for myself and sharing, the more I hear “Crystal you have a great body for this.”  The response to that is “Nope”...that is “not without the correct UNDERGARMENTS”.  I cannot STRESS enough to you the importance of the right undergarments. Wearing the right supportive underthings make a world of difference and takes you from “liking” the things you make to “MOTHER EFFING LOVING” them.  You should totally love every single piece of clothing you make for yourself.  You’ve earned it and it’s time you start feeling your best by looking your best.  Here we go!

I used to never wear the things I sewed for myself and very rarely showed them to anyone because they just never looked right.  Then one day I was given something by my mother-in-law: A push-up bra.  That sounds weird, but she bought it for herself and it didn’t fit her so she gave it to me....AAAAAANYWAY.  Every woman who has had babies, had a major weight loss, or has fallen victim to the evil Lord Gravity needs a push-up bra.  These bras are not for a skanky girls’ nights in Vegas or for a romantic evening of looooooove.  They are PUSH-UP bras...they push the boobs up to where they are supposed to be.  If you have the perfectly perky chest God gifted you with at the beginning of puberty, I envy you. Perky boobies use normal bras.  Saggy boobies use push-up bras. Most of us have had our bodies put through the ringer and the headlights point down.  It’s nature, but we CAN do something about it. At first I HATED my push up bra.  It felt so...not comfortable.  But one day when all my bras were dirty, I grabbed the push-up bra.  My mother-in-law happened to come visit that day and she immediately asked “Have you lost weight?”.  Lord, no I hadn’t.  IT WAS THE BRA.  I ordered 2 more and never looked back.  I ended up getting used to them within a few days.  GET A PUSH-UP BRA!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

BundleUP, Yo! Citron Twist Shrug by Candy Castle

I have been doing a LOT of mama sewing lately.  A.LOT.  So why not do some more?  Onward! I was asked to give a little review post about the Candy Castle Citron Twist Shrug which is now available for purchase when you BundleUP, so I did.  And I’m so glad I did!  This is my first Candy Castle pattern and I am super impressed.  Just look at it! (I kind of look like a Beverly Hillbilly’s version of Maryanne from Gilligan’s Island).

When I first saw this modeled in sneak peeks, I immediately thought of a camping trip.  I’ve seen this dressed up, too, and it totally works, but for me it just screamed CAMPOUT!  I don’t have the figure for a crop top...NO WAY BLUEJAY, but this gives that feel without having to expose the flub.  Now,  I have never been camping, but I am going soon, so this was like YES.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sis Boom Jenny SKIRT tutorial. Say WHAT?!?!?

When I WON the Jenny Craft-off because I’m a winner, I thought “Wow, craft-off winner, you should do something nice for the people that made you win.”  I thought that because I’m a winner....because I won.  So here it is, folks...The Jenny Skirt Tutorial (By Crystal, The Winner)

*If you have made a Jenny with a successful fit, use your existing pieces.  If you have NEVER made a Jenny before, PLEASE make a muslin for the waistband. PLEASE.  This will ensure that you make something that works.  Here’s a tip from me to you:  The Jenny is intended to fit perfectly like a glove.  It may seem like it’s too small, but more times than not it’s fine.  So grab a small cheap zipper and make your muslin WITH a zipper so you get accurate sizing.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Fro Yo Pops!

Hey there TWSCers! Hope you are all having a great start to summer! 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Gardening and Composting

This past weekend was Father's Day so I wanted to brag a bit about all the hard work my hubby does around here.

Mr. Viever and I knew we wanted a garden this year- a big one, not a dinky 1 ft by 4 ft plot that we had back in CA.  But here we have the added challenge of bunnies, moles, voles, and all sorts of other creatures that will find our garden to be a feast.  So we decided on a raised garden that we will then have a temporary enclosure around in attempts to keep out the critters.  Here's what it looks like so far.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Guest Post: Mae with The Life of a Compulsive Crafter

Today we're lucky enough to have one of our good friends and one of our favorite bloggers grace us with her presence. Mae is from The Life of a Compulsive Crafter where she shares her amazing talent and cool style with the rest of us.  She also has an Etsy shop, Mae & Co., full of hip clothing for the littles in your life.  Check her out!  Thanks, Mae, for letting us show you off!


Warm weather is finally here! This project couldn't have been finished at a better time - with winter over we were swept quickly into swimsuit season. Last years suit is good and all... if you like wedgies. I guess my long & lean girl has grown a few inches lengthwise since last year.  It's been a goal for the last couple of years to sew her a swimsuit, but each year I'm caught off guard + intimidated by the idea of creating swimwear.

I will be intimidated no longer!
I made my first swimsuit and there's truly no reason to fear. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Campfire Orange Cakes

It's summer vacation and I decided to share one of our favorite things to make during the summer. 
Campfire Orange Cakes
They are so easy and the kids love them. I mean, who doesn't love their own personal little cake??

Friday, June 6, 2014

Jenny off: Choose Your Winner!

It's Friday! I hope everyone has had an amazing week.
We are now at that point where you get to vote for your favorite Jenny, THEN link up any selfish bombshell sewing you've been doing for yourself.
And I mean ANY selfish sewing.
A shirt? Bag? Book cover? Maybe a cougar pillowcase?....



Back on topic.
After you vote and link, enter the rafflecopter for your chance to win a Womens pattern of choice from Scientific Seamstress/Sisboom.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Karly's Jenny: Craft-Off Day 3

For starters, WHAT on earth was I thinking going after Crystal???? No one can compete with her amazingness and I was actually supposed to have my post go up yesterday, but due to the insane fight I had with a zipper, I wasn't able to get my pictures in time.
Ah well, I WON the fight after a long and arduous battle, and that is all that matters.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Crystal's Jenny: Craft-Off Day 2

Before we get started with Day 2's Competitor, we wanted to let you all know that on Friday we will be having a giveaway with an extra entry for participating in our linky party!  All you have to do for the EXTRA entry is make something for you!  Get your selfish sew on and link up on Friday.  You'll be able to enter the giveaway even if you don't link up, but linking up gives you one more chance at being a winner and not a LOSER!  Ok...onward to battle


It’s my turn to compete, so heeeeeeeere’s Jenny! 

When the gals picked the Jenny for this craft-off I was a little nervous.  My fabric was just not speaking to me.  I was begging it to say something...anything.  But bin after bin and not even a whisper from my textiles.  I HAD to choose from my stash, ‘cuz I’m broke as a joke, yo.  I eventually picked out 3 different fabric combos as contenders and decided to go with the brightest since spring was in the air.  I wanted to make this one different from my last fabulously plaid Jenny, so I decided to do a 2-tone dealeo.  I love my retro dress wardrobe and this dress fits right in with the others.  BABABABOOM!  I win.  

Monday, June 2, 2014

Jeanine's Jenny: Craft-off Day one!

It's another craft-off Y'all!  This time we're sewing up The Jenny by Sis Boom and it's about to get FABULOUS up in here!  We have our guest contestant this week while Genevieve and Jenn take some vacation time. Today we are bringing you Jeanine from Scientific Seamstress/ SisBoom.  She's the social media go-to gal over there, but I'm pretty sure her official title is "The Jeanine".



Let's get ready to JENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Hi All!!!! My name is Jeanine and I work for the Scientific Seamstress, Carla. We have a facebook group you can find me in easily and we have a great Etsy shop filled with amazing patterns for the whole family!