Thursday, February 9, 2017

Wanderlust Fabric Bag for a Boy!

Its 2017...February...and I just sewed something.  I've sort of switched some focus to crocheting because I wanted a snuggly blanket.  Since I made it too big and complicated, I should finished and be able to use it for warmth by July- when its 115 degrees.  Planner extraordinaire over here.  I've been having a hard time with motivation and inspiration and then I saw that Wanderlust Custom Fabrics was opening their  preorder for their new Sea Dogs.  I'm on the strikeoff team and was chosen to sew some up!  Its the cutest fabric, folks!!!

My guy has been asking for a "packpack" for a little while now because he only has a small ninja turtle backpack...its shaped like a shell and can basically hold crayons and small pieces of garbage. I wanted to make something that wasn't clothing, and I thought "who do I need to make something for now?  Hmmmmm"  I guess it's this dork's turn.

The fabric is so super soft and wonderful.  Its KNIT! Yep, I made a fun, strong backpack with knit fabric.  I made sure to line it with a non-stretch cotton and I used Dritz Stay Tape to toughen up the seams of the knit.  This way, I was also able to use a regular stitch, not a stretch stitch, when sewing it together.There are no wavy seams and no stitch popping when it's abused and tugged by the almost 5 year old.


For the base of the backpack I used some old jeans that my mondo thighs ripped through.  Upcycling- my goal for the year is to reuse as much fabric as possible to reduce waste.  So far, I'm awesome.  I also used the denim for the strap loops and the top tunnel thingy.  That's the technical know it is.  The straps were made by crocheting some twine together.  It gives it a really cool nautical look and makes me appear even more awesome than you already thought I was.

Just look at that cute fabric, guys!!!!  Whales and ships and divers and tatted sailors and octopuses and there's even mermaids (top left...can you see it? It's there for realsies).

The pattern I used was a slightly modified version of THIS backpack by Sew Can She.  Its a super cute, super easy and super functional pattern.  Oh!  and SUPER FREE!

The preorder for this fabric is open until February 18th (join the FB group and read the rules before ordering), so get your sea dollars ready!  But actually have real money.  She doesn't take sea dollars.  And if you're seeing this post AFTER the preorder ends, join the FB group for retail listings and the Buy Sell Trade Group if you've missed retail.  I'm covering all the bases.  No excuses!  Don't be stupid!  That was harsh... sorry.  Don't cry.

Happy fabric shopping, y'all!!!