Friday, October 4, 2013

Small FRY-day Spotlight: Life of a Compulsive Crafter

Crystal here!  It's October and that means Halloween!  We have decided to spotlight a "Small Fry" a week because we're all small fries too and want to see what you can do. We're spooking things up for the next 4 weeks to fit this haunt-a-licious time of year and we have some great posts coming your way from crafters just like you and me and the other SHEs.  Featured this week in our FIRST EVER "Small Fry-day" spotlight is Mae from Life of a Compulsive Crafter .  She's going to share her super fun and wild Halloween costume suitable for the at-home crafter.  Enjoy!  I know that I did!



My names Mae and I blog over at The Life of A Compulsive Crafter where I mostly discuss my need to create clothing as well as other random things.  Today I'm here to discuss a super cute but also easy DIY Halloween costume.

Nearly five years ago when it was my daughters second Halloween I hadn't rekindled my love for sewing yet, but still scoffed at buying the store costumes. They were usually $20 and looked like they were made for $5. Just not my first choice, ya know?

So, following the theme of her nursery/bedroom I chose to create her a MAX costume from Where the Wild Things Are. This year, I'm showing it to you on my son who will be wearing it for his second Halloween as well!


What I used:

1. A set of white footed pajamas with a small embroidered logo on the chest

2. Grey Felt

3. 2 fuzzy boa's bought at Michael's/Joann's

4. Gold fabric

5. 3 White buttons

6. Stuffing

What I did:

1. I had to get the logo off so I used a seam ripper and carefully picked the stitches.

2. I sewed the buttons next to the zipper to mimic Max's outfit.

3. I ripped the seams at the feet, then using the grey felt I cut claws and sewed the seam back up with them tucked nicely into it.

4. I cut a tiny hole in the butt of the pj's where a tail would be, then I pulled the string at the end of the boa through the hole and tied a few knots to secure it. I also hand-stitched this to be extra sure it wouldn't pull out.

5. (The Crown) I measured his head, added 3inches& cut the gold fabric with points at the top to create a crown. Then I sewed it all together and stuffed it to give it character. I used the second fuzzy boa (not all of it) to wrap around the bottom edge of the crown.


&that's it!

Seriously guys, this was one of the quickest halloween costumes I have ever made. It's lasted us all of these years and is still cuter than ever!

Happy Halloween!


  1. what a fun little costume, and the hat piece is the best!

  2. I made a Max costume this year too, although sadly before I found your instructions! Thanks for sharing it's very cute, you can see how ours turned out here...
