Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tricks or Treats? It's a party!

Sometimes I'm lazy, sometimes I'm really lazy and sometimes I'm just a little lazy.  When it comes to parties I vow to not be lazy.  I try my hardest to come up with awesome ideas and work hard to make sure everything pans out.  There are those heavenly times, though, that I can mix lazy and not lazy and still seem really cool.  That's what happened for the husband's 31st birthday.  Dan's birthday is exceptionally close to Halloween and Halloween also happens to be his favorite Holiday.  It didn't take much to summon the lazy bones out of the grave and combine the two occasions.  Then there was the phone call to the spirits of Martha Stewart and Monica Geller to pull it all together.  I decided to have a "Tricks or Treats Halloween Party" and this is what happened

Food Collage 2

Here's the lowdown. I wanted to have food that looked like one thing and COULD be another.  I'm not very good with "treats" though, so I made them all tricks.  Here's what I made:

There was the Kitty Litter cake.  Not many people were brave enough to eat it, but I did and it was DELISH.  This is where I found the recipe.  It was a treat, but a trick on me since most people were too grossed out to eat any.  It's just fake poop people.  It was doody-licious.


Next up was the Meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potato frosting.  I've seen many variations of this, but the one I used and I thought  was sooooo tasty was from the Every Day with Rachel Ray October 2008 issue. Recipe here. NOM NOM.  I dyed the potatoes, but next time I'd use blue or something less cheesy looking.


I called the punch "toxic sludge" which is not very creative nor was it fooling anyone, but I needed a drink and this was really freaking delicious, so BAM!


To me, the creepiest thing I made was this BBQ hot dog mess.  They really look like worms and EW.  Just EW.

74114_1212872099736_6746531_nAnd the coolest looking TRICK goes to the "pizza" which was just a strawberry Jam tart.  I loved this one and it was also very yummy, too.  It made a fool out of everyone.  I love that.  FOOLISH MORTALS!  I made this also using the October 2008 issue of Every Day with Rachel Ray.  The recipe is here.


I also made some Meatballs called "Sweet Balls of Fire" (enter giggle here).  instead of a tablespoon of  hot pepper sauce, I added like half a bottle of Chili sauce.  Of course I didn't tell anyone else that and when they ate them, they hated me with the burning of their tongues.  I'm telling you...AWESOME.

Overall, it was a really fun get together full of eating and games.  I had a blast watching people try to figure out if they were being tricked or treated.  No one should have that much fun scheming.  If you can get a hold of the October 2008 issue of Everyday with Rachel Ray, there are many more fun "Trick" recipes to try.  This would be so fun for the kids for Halloween OR April Fool's day.

Oh yeah!  And I made all the costumes for us that year. I was still really new to sewing and it was a very risky move.  I looked like Wilma Flintstone who decided on a career in bee keeping but after a few stings and a lot of swelling, had to quit and be a stay at home mom.  In other words, my costume was NOT flattering  But the rest of the Flitstones and the Rubbles looked great!

Costume Collage

Have a spookalicious  trick-or-treating Halloween Bash!!!


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