Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wanted: Small Fries and a Cherry Coke!

Ok, maybe not a cherry coke, but if you have one...

This is Crystal and I'm putting this call out there to all of you culinary HEs & SHEs!  We need some of you to spotlight in our Small FRY-day posts for November and our theme is "Thanksgiving Nomming" (Well, THEY'RE calling it "Family Favorite Recipes", but I like Nomming).  If you have a favorite fall recipe that you think would be the bomb diggity on the Thanksgiving table, we want to feature you!  Fill out the form here and let us know what recipe you'd like to share with us.  If we pick you, we'll let you know all the deets (that's details in the language of "awesome") as far as due date and content.  We want to spotlight you and your kitchen calamity...whatever!  Thanks for letting us show you off.

Nom Nom Nom,


P.S. You do not HAVE to have a blog to contribute.  We want to hear from all of the lovely & creative folks out there!

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