Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Meat Buns Anyone?

So I don't know about you all, but one of my favourite things to do with leftover turkey, or even chopped up chicky boob is to make stew and after a meal or two of stew I find everyone is getting a bit bored of that...  So then I take that stew and turn it into meat buns!!! I LOVE meat buns! Who doesn't? They are fast, easy, a full meal in the palm of your hand.  (hehe).

So here is a quickie "how to" on making meat buns.

First thing I do in the morning is set a batch of dough off in the bread maker, I use my usual bread recipe by the way. Just be sure you set it on the dough cycle!
twsc meat buns (9)

Get out that gorgeous chicky stew you have made (recipe was up in the previous post)

twsc meat buns (8)

Now take a ball of dough, not too large, and spread it out to flatten in your hand - I use my hand to flatten (ish) it. No need to break out the rolling pin.

twsc meat buns (1)

A tablespoon or two of stew in the middle. You want a good amount but not too much or else you will have your bun break and the stew will try and escape.

twsc meat buns (2)

Fold the bun edges into the center, opposite ends together until your  stew is covered.

twsc meat buns (3)

Then I kinda mush the center together lightly to make sure it is all nicely covered.

twsc meat buns (4)

Turn it over and make sure your stew is contained, see, all nice and pretty. It is ok if yours are not pretty... They will still taste good.

twsc meat buns (5)

This next picture is to show you the dangers of over stuffing the meat bun. (lol! oh the things I write... I am killing it!)

twsc meat buns (6)

Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes, until they are nicely browned :)

twsc meat buns (7)

When I make these up I usually cool them off, bag them, and then pop them into the freezer straight aways. Perfect for meals on the go! So grab a ball in each hand and head out the door in confidence! You will have an amazing lunch on the go! Now go brave those malls and tackle the Christmas shopping!


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