Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Craft-Off- Pie Pie Apron: Contestant #3 "Brother Knows Best"

Its Day 3 of our Pie Pie Apron Craft off and its time for the cute OVERLOAD.  Lets get cooking!   

Today we have Baby V’s Apron by Viever! I call this "Brother Knows Best"  I’ve been told that baby V's big brother picked out the fabric for his sister's apron while at Joanns and said "V needs this". The boy knows what little sister likes! Seriously, I'm just gushing over how unbelievably adorable it is that HE picked it for her. He knows that she’s more nom-alicious than the blueberries she’s scarfing down and made sure to pick out something that he knew she'd love. A brother that knows his sister as well as he knows fashion earns bonus points in my book.

Mama had her moments of uncertainty about this fabric, but all it took was a little watering...

...and it “grew” on her.  She couldn't refuse V cuddled it the whole time in the store. She could probably sense how special it was.   It was love at first bite.  I, personally, didn't doubt Big Brother for a minute!  He knows what's best for his little sis.

The coolest part of this Apron is that the lining is so fancy that it’s pretty much reversible! On the days baby V feels a little less country and a little more Rock N’ Roll, she can just meet you on the flip side of this apron.

If you love Baby V’s Brother Approved style berry much, vote for her when the polls open tomorrow.  Don’t make her look for that vote (in the pocket mama added custom for her)...

...or she’ll put your name in that pocket and bake you into a pie.

 Remember!  Pick berries, not noses!



  1. i love alllll of these so far - so cute!!!

    1. Thank you! It's been a lot of fun seeing what each of us have created and having Crys narrate it all!


  2. aw this is super cute- i love the blueberry fabric and the little pocket you added.

    1. The little pocket was created using two of the "bib" pieces. Sewn together right sides together (5/8 seam allowance for the straight top and 3/8 seam allowance for the rest of the pocket) then turned out through a small hole. Press (and topstitch if you desire). Then stitch the curved part of the pocket onto the front piece like you would the bib leaving the straight edge open! She loves putting little things into her brother's apron pockets (different design) so I knew she needed to have at least one!


  3. Thank you for the free pattern!

