Thursday, April 17, 2014

Dressing up

Well I managed to finish my own kids Easter "outfits" just after my posting yesterday.  So you get Easter attire again!  Now I put outfits in quotes because I'll be honest... they aren't getting full outfits! V is getting a new sweater to put over her dress I made for her birthday and S is getting a new vest to put over a shirt he already has paired with either jeans or some khakis.

We shall start with V's Saffron Sweater by Anadiomena's Designs.  That's right folks all the girlie items I made for this Easter were named Saffron.  This is a sweater I've knit once before but for a friend's little girl.  So this is V's first of this sweater... and I'm ashamed to admit it only second sweater I've ever made her.  Autumn over at Cottington's So Crafty wanted to do a knit along and this is the sweater we chose.  I think she's almost done with hers so be on the look out for it.

For V's sweater I used yarn I bought two Black Friday's ago.  It's a Knit Picks worsted weight yarn of which I believe was discontinued or at least the color way was.  I really should find what I did with the tags and up date the info later.  In any case, I love how this knitted up.  I used two skeins (with enough left over for maybe a small hat) and only alternated a bit on the the bottom half of the sweater and a touch on the sleeves.

The pattern is very easy to follow and is fantastically written.  Note that this sweater is supposed to be more of a shrug and has negative ease which means it's FITTED!  I made this big knowing that as V grows it will become more of the shrug it is supposed to be.  Currently it fits more like a cardigan with full sleeves rather than the 3/4 sleeves you will most often see.  I love it as it's just enough girlie ruffle without being over the top!

Now for my boy.  He loves fabric almost as much as I do.  He picked out this mushroom fabric from the red tag area at Joanns and I bought the rest of the bolt.  So be prepared to see lots of mushroom themed clothing in the future.  I knew that I just wanted to make a vest and Scientific Seamstress' Festive Vest fit the bill.

S was very excited about this vest.  Prior to his nap, I pulled out the fabric for cutting and told him that he had to take a good nap in order for me to get it started and finished.  Good boy slept 2 hours :) So from cut to finishing putting that last button on took me about an hour and a half.  It's a record week as this is project number 2 I finished in just one day and this one was in one nap!  Happy dance!

He was thrilled to see his vest upon waking up but it got over shone by a package the mailman delivered from his Auntie K.  As you can see... he made me take pictures of his new toys too.

The fantastic button I added on the vest is from Tessa Ann Buttons.  I've had this button in my stash since S was 18 months old... he's about to turn 4 next month.  I got it as a freebie when ordering another set and had yet to find something it would match with or could stand alone on until today!  S loves his "front loader" button.

Hope everyone is getting all their crafting complete for this weekend!
Hippy Hoppity Easter's on its Way!


  1. Hahaha! The sweater is great, the vest is nice, and the package makes this all hilarious!

    1. He's still playing with all the cars today. V was able to get herself into her fairy tutu and wandered around in it and the headband... until we had a potty accident and she pee'd all over the skirt. Safe to say they are thrilled with their presents! --Viever
