Friday, April 4, 2014

Small FRY-day Pie Pie Designs

It's Small FRY-day and today we are featuring Lisa from Pie Pie Designs
Lisa is amazing with her photography and makes some of the most adorable outfits for her girls! 
I'm so excited for her to start her designing career with making patterns!
I got to test her Pie Pie Apron and she did such a fantastic job on it. 
Later on in the month we'll have our "Apron off" and all show you our creations from her pattern, but for now, check out her blog and get the pattern for yourself! 
It's FREE!!!!


Hi!  I'm Lisa of PiePie Designs.  I'm a full-time working mom to two fabulous little girls and wife to one great guy.  In my spare time (a.k.a. after the girls go to bed and when I should be doing chores), I design and sew!  Other than taking a semester-long sewing class in 8th grade, I didn't start sewing until January 2013.  I still feel really new to the world of sewing and pdf patterns, but I'm in love! 

I designed the PiePie Apron for my 4-year-old daughter just days before Thanksgiving 2013.  PiePie had grand plans with her Grandpa WormChair (yes, that’s what she calls him) to dig out the turkey guts on Thanksgiving morning, so she needed an apron!

I hope you and the little people you sew this for enjoy it as much as we do!


  1. That apron is adorable! And thanks for making the pattern free.

  2. Can't wait to make one! What an awesome pattern =)
