Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Back to School Button Down

My little boy starts Pre-K on September 1st which seems SO late compared to what we are used to!  Back in California we would have already started and had a few weeks under our belt.  In any case, S is VERY excited to get back to school so he can make some more friends.

The last time I did a fabric splurge, S picked out this camouflage dinosaur fabric that was on the discount table.  When we got home S was all excited for me to make something for him.  Sad for him that I still had a tester on my sewing table for his sister.  Quickly finished that up and then started looking through my patterns.

I found my Sis Boom Ethan I was looking for and downloaded it so I could get started right away.  To my surprise I also found 3 other patterns (Katie Fancy Pants, Judy Fancy Pants, and Tommy Boxers) I purchased during one of the sales that I forgot I had purchased!  I know what I'll be sewing up for the kids, Mr. Viever and myself in the next few weeks!

Back to S's shirt.  I knew I wanted to have a short sleeve rather than the long sleeve the pattern makes. I took the sleeve pattern piece and compared the length from the top of the curve to the sleeve length on one of S's other button downs then added about an inch and that was where I cut.

I also had to guess at length as of course I was cutting while S was in bed.  I cut at the 16" length but now that I've made it I think I'd cut it slightly longer for my boy as when he lifts his arms his belly sticks out just a little bit.

Sewed up according to the tutorial which is wonderfully put together and SOOO easy to follow.  Rather than following all the sleeve direction I just did a one inch hem and then serged up the sides as the tutorial calls for and continued with the tutorial as is.

Added a bit of fun on the pocket with a different button.

What S has to say about his shirt:
"It's good. My favorite part is all of it.  I like blue.  It's comfortable."

Clearly a boy of many words....

S with his new shirt and V in her All Spice Tester soon to be released by Paisley Roots at which point you'll be seeing a lot of that dress :)


  1. I love that you included his quotes....and the picture that accompanies it is precious!!

  2. Love your boy's feedback about his new shirt hehe
