Saturday, January 17, 2015

Princess Rapunzel Dress

Hey folks!  I'm blogging seriously.  It's been a while, but I finally sewed something and feel up to blogging.  Life has been crazy and my anxiety has been flaring up, so I've been quite anti-social lately.  I'm such a tortured artist.  Feel bad for me and send me chocolate ;)  My mother asked me months ago if I could sew a dress for my girl to wear to Disney on Ice.  Because she asked me 2 months ago I, of course, waited until I only had 5 days to make it.  I seriously finished it 25 minutes before my mom came to pick her up.  I'd say "never again", but we all know that's not true. Anyway, here she is!

Oh yes!  The frying pan and Pascal made it into the photo shoot.  What's Rapunzel without her BFF and her protection?  I mean REALLY!

The pattern I used was the Tori's Bustle Dress by Create Kids Couture.  I've really grown fond of them as of late.  The patterns are so pretty and they really have that princess feel to them.  The instructions are fantastic and there are cut charts for all of the rectangle pieces- no wasted paper!  WOOT!  I used various satins for the dress to give it a more luxurious feel (because 5 year olds are all about luxury).

*A little edit:  If you're wondering why the ribbon on the sleeves isn't sewn completely down, there's an answer.  The satin was made in the devil's factory and pulled and moved and made the world turn black every time I tried to sew it down.  I decided to tack it down in a few key spots and let it poof a little.  Not worth fighting the forces of darkness on this one*

The back is shirred.  I used to hate shirring.  I thought it was the easy way out.  What I've learned is that shirring is a great way to create the illusion of a perfectly fitting garment with room for the kid to grow into it.  It'll look fitted for much longer this way.  Also, it's just super comfy for the kiddos and I don't have to help her get dressed, LOL.  Lazy mom WIN! So, I was wrong in my initial thought about shirring.  That's my one time being wrong in 2015.  I'll be perfect the rest of the year.

 She loves her new dress and I love making princess dresses, so we both win.  I'm hoping to snap out of my creative funk soon.  I guess I'll keep pressing on and hope the slump wears off.  If not, I may have to get this little rascal to hit me with that frying pan...knock some sense into me!

May all your sewing be magical (even if a stupid cable line ruins your picture).
