Monday, September 26, 2016

Project Run and Play Week 3: Halloween Costumes

Ya'll know I love me some costumes.  I LOVE ME SOME COSTUMES.  When I saw this challenge I was super excited...and then super bummed.  I don't start Halloween costumes until the first week of October as a rule.  My kids change their minds, have growth spurts and whatever else that would end up making starting any sooner a complete waste of time. I do have my plans.  And they are super exciting.  But I'm just not starting quite yet.  With that said, I have PLENTY to share from Halloweens past and my link-up is from my most favorite and most recent costume, THE DRAGON.

This was the costume I made my son last year and is BY FAR my most favorite costume to date.  I put a million hours into it and just plain kicked ass.  You can read all about the details HERE and there's more pics, too!

That same year, I made a Snow White for my girl. I went a bit renaissance because Snow White has such a simple dress and I wanted to add some flair...I always love a little flair. You can read about that one HERE.

Now I'm going to take you on a trip down memory lane since this is a costume post and I'm gonna give you costumes.  Hold on tight, we're headed to 2014.

Everyone loves a little Elsa and Brawn-na ;) Post available HERE

That same year, I made a few more costumes for a few more things.  Different blog posts here and there that made me free to get a bit theatrical. 

If you can't tell who they are, then I didn't do my job :)

In 2013, I paired up my little cuties as one of the best Disney Duos there is, in my opinion.

OFF, with their heads!

And for their very first time as a Halloween Pair, they rocked it as characters from one of my favorite 80's cartoons ever. I was new to sewing and wasn't blogging then, so I don't have details,but I DO have pictures (not very good ones, but eh)! I hope you get sucker punched by nostalgia.  

I even had time that year to make a little something for myself!

I hope you've enjoyed this little costume post and I hope you've been inspired, yourself!  If you're sewing along as well, I truly can't wait to see what you've come up with.  As for me, I'll be working on 2016's costumes in a few weeks.



  1. oh wow, that dragon is epic! incredible!

  2. Oh my goodness, these costumes are all fabulously great! The costumes I love best are ones I'm shipping off to Japan for my daughter's family so I totally get the a little too early this year.
