

I had the opportunity to go to SNAP this last week.


It was fun and amazing and I came back with so much information, many ideas and lots of new friends.

Here's a small recap of my time at SNAP.


Apron Sew Along Linky Party!


Pie Pie Apron Vote

Its voting time.  Its time to pick your favorite PiePie apron sewn up by one of our master chefs seamstresses!  Poll closes on Sunday so get that vote in.  Someone needs bragging rights. There's a link to a poll at the bottom.


Craft-Off- Pie Pie Apron: Contestant #3 "Brother Knows Best"

Its Day 3 of our Pie Pie Apron Craft off and its time for the cute OVERLOAD.  Lets get cooking!   

Today we have Baby V’s Apron by Viever! I call this "Brother Knows Best"  I’ve been told that baby V's big brother picked out the fabric for his sister's apron while at Joanns and said "V needs this". The boy knows what little sister likes! Seriously, I'm just gushing over how unbelievably adorable it is that HE picked it for her. He knows that she’s more nom-alicious than the blueberries she’s scarfing down and made sure to pick out something that he knew she'd love. A brother that knows his sister as well as he knows fashion earns bonus points in my book.


Craft-Off- Pie Pie Apron: Contestant #2 "Apron Fable"

It’s Day 2 of the Pie Pie Apron Craft-Off!  Today's contestant comes to us all the way across the internet from Ali Cat & Co.  Brianne's here for another showdown with the SHEs that love her so.  And now, I bring you a fable called “Apron Sisters”

2 sisters were walking along the road one day and stumbled upon a box.  Inside that box was a beautiful apron.  Both sisters tried it on and it was a perfect fit!  


Craft-Off- Pie Pie Apron: Contestant #1 "The Apron Chef"

Its time for a Craft-off and its ON.  Crystal here and since I won the last Craft-off with my Lola BAM, I get to do the narrative for the contestants.  This time the gals are making up the Pie Pie Apron offered for FREE by Pie Pie Designs. Thanks, Lisa, for the great pattern!  Make sure you stop by her FaceBook page and give her a like!  She's awesome!

Contestant #1 is Karly!  I call this one "The Apron Chef".

A super cute apron is all that's required to be a great chef.  Forget everything you've heard about cooking school- Move over Le Cordon Bleu.  Who needs it anyway?  All you need is a dash of FABULOUS to cook up a great meal.  Edible ingredients are pushed to the back of the cupboard as the parts of a perfect apron are picked up instead.  Here's the recipe you've all been waiting for.


Spotlight: Dinosaur Cape Tutorial by Friends Stitched Together

WE LOVE SMALL FRIES!  Well normally at the McDonalds I like the large ones, but when it comes to bloggers, the small ones have our hearts.  We are so glad to be getting back to Small FRY-day spotlights and today we have a very special treat.   The gals from Friends Stitched Together worked hard to make and share with you this updated tutorial and it's pretty Dino-mite.  Thank you, gals, for bringing it to That's What She Crafted.  We're super excited!!!


Hello That's What She Crafted Readers! I'm so happy to share my Dinosaur (or dragon!) Cape Tutorial with you! I actually posted a tutorial for this last fall, but since then, I got a new camera and have gotten much better at writing, so technically this is the Updated Dinosaur Cape Tutorial.
Dino Cape Tutorial {{FriendsStitchedTogether.com}}


Dressing up

Well I managed to finish my own kids Easter "outfits" just after my posting yesterday.  So you get Easter attire again!  Now I put outfits in quotes because I'll be honest... they aren't getting full outfits! V is getting a new sweater to put over her dress I made for her birthday and S is getting a new vest to put over a shirt he already has paired with either jeans or some khakis.

We shall start with V's Saffron Sweater by Anadiomena's Designs.  That's right folks all the girlie items I made for this Easter were named Saffron.  This is a sweater I've knit once before but for a friend's little girl.  So this is V's first of this sweater... and I'm ashamed to admit it only second sweater I've ever made her.  Autumn over at Cottington's So Crafty wanted to do a knit along and this is the sweater we chose.  I think she's almost done with hers so be on the look out for it.


Easter for Two Special Girls

I have two of the most adorable nieces known to mankind.  It seems like every other Easter I get the chance to buy them their dresses. This year it was my turn and instead of buying them dresses I asked them for their color requests.  The older one, L, requested a dress EXACTLY like the one I made V when I tested the Saffron Twirl dress.  Red and brown sash.  The younger one, E, didn't really put in a color request so I picked something I thought would look nice on her; I found the prettiest ombre purple and paired it with a turquoise sash.

So the nitty gritty details on the dresses.  This is Saffron number 3 and 4 for me.  I started with the ombre purple dress because I was dying to see it all made up.  Now a word to the wise, if you are using ombre fabric take note of how the colors are set up.  The purple I bought was light towards the selvedge and dark at the middle of the fabric.  Now I knew I wanted this dress to go from light to dark from top to bottom but I didn't think this through when I bought the fabric.  So I cut the bodice from the lighter colors and then got to the skirt.... crap-ola I could get one side of the skirt out of the dark middle fabric I was wanting but then the other side would have to be cut from the lighter fabric opposite of side I cut the bodice from.  So it was back to the store for me.  Bright side?  I now have enough fabric to make V another Saffron in the opposite ombre effect to her cousin's dress.  The turquoise ties I cut as the longer ties so E could have the choice of having the wrap around effect or one nice big bow in the back.



Run Program: Find Signature Style





“Crystal’s Favorite Things”

So glad I have my robot to figure these things out for me.  I really hate thinking.  Anyway here’s my “Favorite Things” Signature Style look.


The Coat of Blue

In July 2012, I started knitting "The Coat of Many Colors" from the book Knit Swirl.  When I had originally got this book (for the birthday or Christmas prior), I thought I was going to make "Winter Waves" but upon reading all the detailed information about shapes and sizing I went with the "Coat of Many Colors" for it's slim/tapered arms and a more fitted body.

So with my pattern and yarn (Malabrigo Rios' in Azul Profundo) in hand I cast on those several hundred stitches.  That's right several hundred as this sweater is knit from the outer edge in as a HUGE circle and then binding off stitches for where the neck line will attach and then building the arms on up to the neck.  Sound confusing, well in type it is but in action it makes sense.  Plus the book has some awesome photographs to help you through the "huh?!" part of it.


Project Run & Play Season 9 Sew Along: Week 3

Its week 3 and I’m jumping right in.  This week’s theme is “Design your own fabric” and I just KNEW from the moment I saw the themes posted, I was going to have a rough time with this one.  Some of the other SHEs were so excited about this week- more excited than any other.  I wanted to poop on this theme. It’s a great idea and I have to admit that I can’t wait to see what the real contestants come up with. But, I, however :::SIGH:::  Anyway- CUE INTRO!


Small FRY-day Pie Pie Designs

It's Small FRY-day and today we are featuring Lisa from Pie Pie Designs
Lisa is amazing with her photography and makes some of the most adorable outfits for her girls! 
I'm so excited for her to start her designing career with making patterns!
I got to test her Pie Pie Apron and she did such a fantastic job on it. 
Later on in the month we'll have our "Apron off" and all show you our creations from her pattern, but for now, check out her blog and get the pattern for yourself! 
It's FREE!!!!


Project Run & Play Season 9 Sew-Along: Week 2

Crystal here!  I’ve sewn up a look to link up for Project Run & Play Week 2.  This week’s theme is Spring Break.  The competitors and sew-alongers were challenged to sew up a look based on their favorite vacation spot.  Since “Chocolate Island” only exists in my wildest PMS dreams, I had to choose something else.  My absolute FAVORITE vacation ever was a trip I took to Maui.  I went on my first date with my now husband and really just spent some time relaxing and enjoying Mother Nature.  The sunsets are the best time of day hands-down.  The color of the sky is just gorgeous.  It’s almost like the Day is going out with a bang- the most amazingly beautiful and tranquil light show you’ll ever see. It’s just like the things you’ve seen on  a post card.  So I call this look “Postcard Sunset”.


Upcycle Tutorial: The Birdie Brazier Bistro and Bra Bar

It's Crystal and its Upcycle time!  Who loves nature?  I love nature!  Today’s upcycle gives nature some love by both reusing something instead of throwing it away AND feeding some of its creatures.  Here’s the best way to show your “support” for Mother Nature.

The Birdie Brazier Bistro and Bra Bar

Here’s the tutorial!

For cup sizes A through C- you will be making a bistro
Cup sizes D and up- it’s a buffet

Supplies: Peanut butter, bird seed, a bra
*optional: Small dish, water